:||: RITORNELLO :||:
Chamber ensemble focused on music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque music, artistic director Michal Pospisil
What we offer:
Educational concerts
Theater and puppet shows
Music and dance workshops
Tafel music
- 2 to 7 musicians (depending on program)
- Lute, theorbo, baroque guitar, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes Renaissance, Baroque moldánky, Organ, cornet, Dulcian, Renaissance trombones, Shalmai, flutes, fistula, violas da braccio and da gamba, violin Baron, drums
- Vocals: mostly in Czech, but also in Latin, Italian, English and German.
The ensemble plays in costumed historical instruments or faithful replicas.
Technical requirements:
- We play in any areas inside and outside in the covered areas.
- Adam Michna from Otradovice: Czech Lute -1653 (cycle of 13 songs and dances)
Heaven kavalérové; Oh how my heart burns within; Arise loving heart;
- Juz MASOPUST has occurred 1680 (a carnival banquet songs)
- Nativity scenes, old, new song (Christmas dances from Czech Baroque hymn book)
- Up to (er) BIRDS! (Czech Baroque hunting and Poacher songs)
- Michna CHRISTMAS MASS - MISSA SUPER "Even the sun came out from the stars' -1654 (reconstruction of the famous Baroque Mass)
Already the sun came out from the star (Karel Holan Rovensky), ; Kyrie; Gloria;
- DAVID SALOMON ET (royal love poetry in the mirror of music 16th-18th centuries)
- Hymnal-TANCIONÁL (the largest dance "hits" of the Renaissance and Baroque art in the service of spiritual poetry)
- Amorosi Respiro MUSICAL (Musick court suit in the Renaissance Prague).
- Vesperae Bohemicae (reconstruction solemn Vespers music in Baroque Bohemia)
- Giovanni Legrenzi: Vesperae-1655-57 (reconstruction festive Italian concertante Vespers)
- OPTIMUM OPUS-1550-1650 (polyphonic and solo music of the Renaissance and Mannerism Baroque-birth)
- Musica ad Tabulam (feast, dancing and listening "pop-music" Renaissance and Baroque)
- Vesperae ITALICAE (reconstruction of the Italian Baroque Vespers)
- Dances of Death (invite (them) to her dance)
- FIORI musical (music and flowers, flowers in the music of the Baroque)
- JAKOB Rebro (spiritual music as a bridge between Heaven and Earth, a mark of respect to the created World)
- MAJÁLES, this is a Maj Les (sweet songs about nature in nature)
- TUBA Canio (inträde and dances presented by Renaissance "brass")
- DANIELE (Italian Baroque oratorio anonymous author)
- F. Kadlinský "ZDOROSLAVÍČEK" - 1661 (sweet and popular spiritual love songs)
- BA © CHANALISTICA (Drinking and feasting songs, chants and dances of Baroque Bohemia)
Festa Bacchanalia;; Nos sumus studios;; reading "Happy student; ;
- Ship of Fools (Mirror of eternal human folly in music, inspired by engravings A. Dürer)
Further information: http://web.quick.cz/ritornello/